
Fourteen Letters


艺术空间  关键词

Zurich Calling|Anne-Laure Franchette

art space  keywords


Anne-Laure Franchette是一位艺术家,她研究文化幻想的作用和不熟悉的文化被塑造和消费的方式。材料、它们的预期用途和它们携带的陈规定型观念也是她兴趣的源泉,她对分类、生产周期和盗用特别感兴趣。她目前的艺术研究着眼于在整个帝国主义、殖民主义和全球化时代对自然、植物和种子的意义系统,以及对自然 "中立"、"被动 "和 "装饰 "的普遍看法和表述。她对社会文化人类学、城市研究、地下艺术网络和艺术的微观经济特别感兴趣,她也一直在收集有关替代艺术场景、关闭空间和自我出版的丰富文献。根据这些数据的汇编,她设计了一些工具和活动,使公众能够更加了解这些实践。自从2013年来到苏黎世,她发起了《苏黎世艺术空间指南》和《VOLUMES》独立艺术出版博览会。



Anne-Laure Franchette is an artist, who investigates the role of cultural fantasies and the role of the unfamiliar in the ways cultures are shaped and consumed. Materials, their intended use and the stereotypes they carry are also a constant source of her interest and she is especially interested in categorisations, cycles of production and misappropriation. Her current artistic research looks at the systems of meaning that have been impressed upon nature, flora, and seeds throughout eras of imperialism, colonialism, and globalization, the common perceptions and representations of nature as being « neutral », « passive » and « decorative ». Particularly interested in sociocultural anthropology, urban research, underground artistic networks and the micro-economy of art, she has also been collecting a rich documentation about alternative art scenes, off spaces and self publishing. Following this compilation of data, she designs tools and events that enable the general public to be more aware of these practices. Since arriving in Zürich in 2013, she has initiated the ZURICH ART SPACE GUIDE and VOLUMES , Independent Art Publishing Fair.
