The Zürich Art Space Guide
安妮·劳尔·弗朗谢特 Anne-Laure Franchette 合作在广州顶上空间·青田,档案阅读室|特别呈现
Top Art Space·Qing Tian , Reading Room, Special Present
Off Spaces, Independent Art Spaces, Artist-run Spaces and Platform projects are usually self-organised initiatives run by artists and curators. The diversity of projects is steadily increasing and makes it difficult to assign individual initiatives to a specific category. We can observe many overlaps, from hard line alternative ventures completely self funded, to projects partly enabled by public funding or / and linked to institutions, to initiatives bearing similarities with commercial galleries. Many different causes accelerate and sometimes force processes of change, e.g. urban development changes which make numerous usable rooms disappear and / or adjustments in cultural and funding policies forcing art spaces to find alternative financing options. The consequences can be seen in the short-lived nature of certain projects, in the increased cooperation with larger institutions and the attempt to find alternative financing options. While the pandemy forced many initiatives to rethink their shapes and functions, these last few months have shown a resurgence of project spaces with a fixed address. The ZURICH ART SPACE GUIDE tries to record and showcase the many changes and projects taking place in the artistled and self organised cultural scene in Zurich.
see also:关于来信|about letter ;顶上空间|top art space ;联系方式|contact ;赞助与支持|supporters;工作团队|work team