Fourteen Letters



Hangzhou Calling|Cao Shu 



曹澍,1987年出生于山东济宁,现工作生活于杭州。创作媒介以3D数字模拟影像装置、电子游戏为主,形成不同媒介关联的意义网络。其工作往往基于某个特定地点或空间展开,涉及历史事件或个人记忆,试图提出开放性的问题导向。近年于想象力学实验室、浙江美术馆、上海科技大学展览厅、日本横滨太平庄等地举办个展或个人项目;并参与过巴塞尔乡村州美术馆,澳门艺术博物馆,UCCA沙丘美术馆,亚洲协会香港中心,北京民生美术馆,OCAT上海馆,OCAT深圳馆等机构和美术馆的群展;曾作为瑞士巴塞尔Atelier Mondial (2017),日本横滨黄金町艺术节(2019),德国Muffatwerk文化艺术中心(2020)驻地艺术家。曾获OCAT × KADIST 2022年青年媒体艺术家奖、2021年PHOTOFAIRS|Shanghai Exposure Award、2017年BISFF艺术探索奖等。除此之外,作品也在世界各地的影展主竞赛单元展出,包括莱比锡纪录片与动画电影节,米兰电影节,昂西国际动画节,渥太华国际动画节,汉诺威国际短片节等。


CAO Shu (b. 1987, Shandong Province, China) lives and works in Hangzhou, China. His working interfaces include but are not limited to 3D digital moving image and interactive games. Cao Shu often constructs narration in a restrained way, offering the audience a new perspective of things, and through his transdisciplinary practice,a multi-branched network of meanings is formed. His works are often based on a specific place and space and ask open-ended questions. In recent years, Cao Shu has been residency artist for atelier Mondial in Basel, Switzerland(2017), Koganecho Bazzaar Art Festival, Yokohama (2019) , and Muffatwerk the venue for international art and culture in Munich (2020).His works have won such awards as 2022 OCAT x KADIST Artist-in- Residence Award, Exposure Award 2021 of PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai, the New Narrative Award from the Long Week of Short Films, BISFF Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement. Recent works have been exhibited in Kunsthausbaselland, Macao Art Museum, UCCA dune, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, OCAT Shanghai,OCAT Shenzhen, etc.
