
Alternative Art Space/Project in China 2023

马丁·戈雅艺术空间 (杭州)

艺术空间  关键词


art space  keywords


马丁·戈雅生意(MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS)是诞生于后南宋王朝的神秘物种,聚集在黑夜的炫彩幻觉,群猫的藏身之所。Martin Goya是一只黑猫,它的命名源于好莱坞电影《SPY》(2015)中FBI探员以宠物名字结合住址为自己杜撰假名的桥段。马丁·戈雅生意(MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS)由艺术家程然创办于2017年,作为推动多元青年文化的先锋平台,脱离了固有的艺术体系模式,致力于推动和支持本土青年艺术家的多样性实践和探索。马戈生也与前卫观念、潮流时尚紧密相连,专于以自身独特气质塑造极具引导性的超前视觉文化场景。自创办以来,马戈生俨然成为中国本土最与众不同的艺术机构/团体之一,于杭州,北京,上海,香港,巴黎,悉尼,纽约和其他各个国家与地区策划及参与超过80余场展览演出活动,合作超过400位艺术家/策展人/作家/设计师/音乐人/演员等创作者,在与美术馆,艺术机构,音乐厂牌以及艺术、时尚媒体等层面不断建立跨领域合作的同时,以杭州为起点缓缓生长。


MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS is a mysterious creature born in the Post-Southern Song Dynasty. It is the fantastic illusion of gathering in the dark, a hidden place for cats. MARTIN GOYA is a black cat. The name is derived from the scene in the Hollywood movie “SPY” (2015) that an FBI agent fabricated a pseudonym for himself by combining a pet's name with a home address.MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS was founded by artist Cheng Ran in 2017, as a pioneering platform that advocates for alternative youth culture. Setting itself apart from existing art systems, it is committed to promoting and supporting the diverse practice and exploration of emerging local artists. Martin Goya Business closely aligns with today’s trends and avant-garde fashion, shaping and leading a new visual and cultural scene with its unique vibe.MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS has become one of the most different Chinese local organisations/crew since established. MGB has curated over 80 events and exhibitions across the world including cities like Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris, Sydney and New York. Collaborated with over 400 creators including artists, curators, writers, designers musicians and actors. By working collectively with art museums, art agencies, music labels, and fashion media, MGB is growing slowly with Hangzhou as a starting point.
